Bug Sweeps Melbourne - Electronic Bug Detection
Experts in TSCM for residential and corporate clients. Counter espionage is our speciality.
Formally trained and certified bug sweep and detection specialist servicing Melbourne and surrounding areas of Victoria. Spouse Spy use specialised electronic counter surveillance equipment operated by trained technicians. If you want the best then speak with us.
Electronic Bug Sweeps Melbourne
Professional Bug Sweep Detection Services for Home, Office and Vehicles.
Our Melbourne based electronic counter surveillance technicians are some of the best in the country. We use hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of specialised equipment designed for the detection of all types of illicit devices and can be on-site at your location promptly.
Our bug sweep and detection services are designed for residential sweeps, corporate office sweeps and the detection of vehicle GPS trackers. If you have concerns about a breach of your privacy, information leak or vehicle tracking, let us know and we can help.
Residential Bug Sweeps
Our Melbourne clients trust us when it comes to residential bug sweeps. They know we have the resources to conduct the very highest level in electronic counter surveillance measures. If you are concerned about eavesdropping within your home then speak with an expert today.
Corporate Bug Sweeps
If your business dealings are of a sensitive nature, then you could be targeted. Disgruntled employees, hostile takeovers and competitors are among some of the key perpetrators for stealing information. We can provide you with the very best in security sweeps of office spaces and digital phone systems.
Detect GPS Tracker
Vehicle GPS trackers are very easy to acquire over the internet and are reasonably inexpensive. We understand what frequencies GPS trackers use and we use radio frequency spectrum analysers to detect them. We also have other specialised inspection equipment so that you get the very best service.
Residential Bug Sweeps
Melbourne residents are realising the threat of illegal eavesdropping and are becoming vigilant with their security practices to protect their privacy.
Reasons for eavesdropping include:
- Legal Matters
Our highly trained security technicians can help you protect your privacy by conducting a thorough analysis of your home and or vehicle.
We use the most advanced bug sweeping equipment manufactured by specialists in the United States.
Protect your sensitive discussions and activities by requesting a residential bug sweep, performed by the very best in the industry.
Corporate bug sweeps
We offer the very best in corporate bug sweeps for Melbourne based businesses. For those businesses, it is important to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to protecting your intellectual property and sensitive discussions.
We recommend regular periodic security sweeps of sensitive areas with your organisation.
Reasons why your business may be targeted:
DON’T WAIT until it’s too late. The cost of realising you have been breached far out-ways the cost of protecting yourself with regular bug sweeps of your office space.
We can attend most places within Melbourne and the surrounding areas of Victoria quickly and provide highly level effective security sweeps.
We detect vehicle tracking devices
Are you concerned about your vehicle being tracked by a GPS tracker?
GPS tracking has become very common in both domestic and corporate matters. Planting a GPS tracker on a vehicle is simple and effective and can be done by just about anyone.
If you feel that your movements are known to others or have been alerted to the fact that someone else knows your whereabouts, then contact us immediately to have your vehicle checked for GPS trackers. Our Melbourne based team can be deployed quickly and can attend the location of the vehicle, or we can have the vehicle checked at one of our locations.
GPS trackers are easily purchased online and fitted to your vehicle without the need of internal access. Our technicians use specialised equipment to detect the specific GSM frequencies that GPS trackers operate on. We can also detect devices that do not transmit.
Types of bugging devices
Have you wondered how to detect hidden cameras & listening devices?
Detecting hidden bugs requires an understanding of the various types of bugs and transmitting methods that they use.
- Hidden Cameras
- Hidden Listening Devices
- Landline Wiretaps and Bugs
- GPS Tracking Devices
We utilise equipment manufactured by the best in the technical surveillance counter measures industry.
Our technicians are available 7 days a week and are ready for deployment.
Signs you may have been targeted
- Private information has been leaked and is known by others.
- Volume fluctuations while using your phone.
- Clicking noises while using your phone.
- Suspicious vehicles parked outside your home or business for extended periods of time.
- A tradesman or other service provider may have visited you recently without you booking in the job.
- Wall sockets that may have been tampered with.
Steps to take if you suspect eavesdropping
Do not discuss with anyone
Don't discuss with anyone the fact that you suspect a listening device or hidden video camera is monitoring you. You may well alert the perpetrator.
Call us as soon as possible
Call us from a secure area that you are sure hasn’t been compromised. Use a secure phone that is safe to communicate with.
Do not attempt to locate
Do not attempt to locate the listening device or hidden camera yourself.
do not talk about bug sweep
Do not talk about engaging a professional to conduct a bug sweep of the area. Be careful not to discuss anything of that nature in the area of concern.
Think about your suspects
Think carefully about whether you have recently had any people attend your home or business that may be a suspect. Buggers may pose as a tradesman, salesman or similar. Provide us with any information you think is important when we consult you.
Our Service Locations


Gold Coast

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Frequently Asked Questions
The cost of a bug sweep service in Melbourne can vary depending on factors such as the size of the location, the complexity of the security systems, and the level of suspicion. It’s best to contact reputable bug sweep companies in Melbourne to get accurate pricing information and discuss your specific needs. They will provide customized quotes based on the scope of the sweep required.
Bug sweeps conducted for security purposes and with proper consent are legal in Melbourne. However, it is important to ensure that bug sweeps comply with local laws and regulations regarding privacy and surveillance. It is recommended to work with licensed bug sweep service providers in Melbourne who have a thorough understanding of the legal requirements and can conduct the sweep within the boundaries of the law.
The duration of a bug sweep in Melbourne depends on various factors such as the size and complexity of the premises, the extent of the security systems, and the level of suspicion. On average, a comprehensive bug sweep of a typical office or residential space in Melbourne can take several hours to a full day. The specific timeframe will be determined after assessing the details of the location and the extent of the sweep required.