Bug Sweeps Gold Coast - Electronic Bug Detection

Highly trained bug sweep specialist with the latest TSCM equipment.

Have you experienced a breach of your private conversations or activities? Are you concerned your vehicle might be tracked by GPS?

Bug Sweep & Detection Services Gold Coast

Professional Bug Sweep Detection Services for Home, Office and Vehicles.

We offer the very highest level of bug sweeps on the Gold Coast and surrounding areas. With formally trained technicians and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment, we are able to provide our clients with the very best in electronic counter surveillance methods and practices. Our security sweeps can detect all types of clandestine devices, hidden within your home, office or vehicle. If you have concerns then speak with an expert and book your security bug sweep in sooner than later.

Residential Bug Sweeps

We provide our Gold Coast clients with high level residential bug sweeps to protect them from eavesdropping and illegally gathering private information or activities. If you have concerns that someone has been inside your home and possibly hidden a device then call us from a safe area for help.

Corporate Bug Sweeps

A corporate bug sweep requires highly trained experts and sophisticated equipment. Our technical survey utilises multiple pieces of high end equipment that is able to detect all types of surreptitious devices including ones that do not even transmit a signal.

Detect GPS Tracker

The use of vehicle GPS tracking devices are widely used due to the fact they are easily acquired. They are easy to hide and can be monitored anywhere in world. Our technicians understand the frequencies used by GPS trackers and can detect them on any vehicle.

Residential Bug Sweeps Gold Coast

Spouse Spy are often conducting residential bug sweeps for individuals who are security aware and know the potential threats that exist in today’s world.

People with wealth or who work with sensitive information are obviously higher targets for eavesdroppers, but that does not discount others who may find themselves involved in eavesdropping.

Quite often, neighbourly disputes, family court matters and ex-partners are the reason why eavesdropping can be a threat to anyone.

Our technicians service the Gold Coast and surrounding areas. Engaging bug sweep detection services is one way to keep your home safe from eavesdroppers.

corporate bug sweeps gold coast

It is very easy for the average person to purchase a hidden listening device or hidden video camera online.

Without electronic bug sweeps, you could be providing your attacker with sensitive information that could in turn ruin you individually, or damage your business.

Spouse Spy use professional bug sweeping equipment manufactured by specialists in technical surveillance countermeasures. Our team can provide prompt electronic bug sweep services to businesses on the Gold Coast and surrounding areas.


We detect vehicle tracking devices

Are you worried about being followed in your car? GPS tracking devices are very common as they are easily purchased and installing them can be done without the need of accessing the inside of your vehicle.

Our vehicle sweeps can be done quickly and effectively at your home or a place nearby. Our technicians are thorough and use specialised equipment to detect transmitting signals used by GPS car trackers.

It is illegal in Australia to use a GPS tracker. You can refer to the surveillance devices Act for further information.

Types of bugging devices

Have you wondered how to detect hidden cameras & listening devices?

Detecting hidden bugs requires an understanding of the various types of bugs and transmitting methods that they use.

  • Hidden Cameras
  • Hidden Listening Devices
  • Landline Wiretaps and Bugs
  • GPS Tracking Devices

We utilise equipment manufactured by the best in the technical surveillance counter measures industry.

Our technicians are available 7 days a week and are ready for deployment.

Signs you may have been targeted

  • Private information has been leaked and is known by others.
  • Volume fluctuations while using your phone.
  • Clicking noises while using your phone.
  • Suspicious vehicles parked outside your home or business for extended periods of time.
  • A tradesman or other service provider may have visited you recently without you booking in the job.
  • Wall sockets that may have been tampered with.

steps to take if you suspect eavesdropping

Do not discuss with anyone

Don't discuss with anyone the fact that you suspect a listening device or hidden video camera is monitoring you. You may well alert the perpetrator.

Call us as soon as possible

Call us from a secure area that you are sure hasn’t been compromised. Use a secure phone that is safe to communicate with.

Do not attempt to locate

Do not attempt to locate the listening device or hidden camera yourself.

do not talk about bug sweep

Do not talk about engaging a professional to conduct a bug sweep of the area. Be careful not to discuss anything of that nature in the area of concern.

Think about your suspects

Think carefully about whether you have recently had any people attend your home or business that may be a suspect. Buggers may pose as a tradesman, salesman or similar. Provide us with any information you think is important when we consult you.

Our Service Locations

Wondering where to start?
We'll help you with the process

Frequently Asked Questions

The frequency of bug sweeps in Gold Coast depends on various factors, including the nature of your business or organization, the level of privacy concerns, and any specific incidents or changes in the premises. For high-security environments or entities dealing with sensitive information, regular bug sweeps may be recommended as part of their security protocols. It’s best to consult with a professional bug sweep service provider in Gold Coast to determine the appropriate frequency based on your specific circumstances.

If a bug or surveillance device is discovered during a bug sweep in Gold Coast, it’s important to take immediate action. Document the device’s location without touching or tampering with it, as this may be crucial for any legal proceedings or investigations. Contact a professional bug sweep service provider to report the findings and seek their guidance on further steps to ensure the security of your premises and information.

While bug sweeps employ advanced technology and techniques, it is not possible to guarantee 100% detection of all surveillance devices. The effectiveness of bug sweeps depends on various factors, including the sophistication of the surveillance devices and their concealment. However, professional bug sweep service providers in Gold Coast strive to provide comprehensive sweeps using state-of-the-art equipment to maximize the detection accuracy and minimize the risk of undetected devices.